Busy week, lots happening!

Last week was so full of stuff that my head was spinning a bit, I got a lot done and started some super dope creative projects!  I’ve mainly just been working incredibly hard on pumping out new pieces, and getting new and cool products ready for the upcoming art fair markets this summer.  I had no idea there could be so much work to do just to get ready for art fairs.  I tend to over do things though… hopefully my booth just looks dope AF by the time I’m all set up at the first festival.

I made these dope skateboards, which I’m pretty stoked on.  Hopefully I’ll get to shred the red one later this week at the Redmond Skate Park:

I also set up a mock version of my art booth in order to get booth photos for some other art fair applications.  My girlfriend helped me for about 3 or 4 hours straight.  Lots of heavy lifting.  Way too much work just to get one photo to submit.  But, since I’ve never actually done an art fair yet, I have to jump through the hoops and do the deeds.

And I also did my first “blog style” type video.  A quick tip video on choosing the right spray paint.  It was a lot more fun, and I’ve decided that I should have been a super famous and sexy actor instead of a painter.  JK.  But really though, I’m gonna make more videos in the future.  This was pretty dope.  The video was for my instagram, but I uploaded it to my youtube in order to share it with you here.  The link is below.


Got a lot of cool stuff planned for this week as well.  I’m excited to circle back next week and share it with you!



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